I’d like to take the opportunity this month to summarise our AGM, which took place on 4th December 2018. The meeting was chaired by Martin Miles and attended by a further 6 BCPR committee members and 4 guests from the community. Unfortunately, due to other commitments, the Parish Council were unable to attend. We discussed the challenges that the past year have presented, not least problems with the infrastructure in the park (the benches, climbing frame and fencing around the primary play area). Progress is being made with getting the park back up to it’s usual high standard and you should start seeing changes in the coming weeks. Our new gazebos were purchased for our Big Day out event in the summer and are still looking fabulous and members of the 200 Club are able to hire these for a minimal charge and deposit. Martin formally thanked Wendy and her team, who work so tirelessly to keep the park looking it’s best at their monthly maintenance sessions. There are plans afoot to get some high visibility jackets for the maintenance team and to display a sign whilst they are working. Hopefully this may encourage park users to pick up a rake or litter picker whilst watching the rugby or supervising their children! We are always after new volunteers, even if it just for half an hour. At the time of the meeting, we were gearing up to join forces with Pershore Roundtable for their annual Santa’s Sleigh event around Bredon. Families really enjoyed seeing Santa and it was lovely to see so many happy little faces! We aren’t sure of the exact amount raised yet, but I will update you in the next magazine edition. A big thank you to all the people of Bredon who opened their doors to us and gave so generously.
We recalled the success of the Play Rangers days, which were funded by a Tesco grant and proved very popular with local families, being attended by approximately 376 individuals. We had some brilliant feedback from the Play Ranger staff, who reported that they really look forward to coming to Bredon, as the children are so polite. Well done kids!! Talking of children, we are planning to get some volunteers from Bredon Hancocks First School to be Play Field Representatives. This is a role that is really enjoyed by the children and is a brilliant way to get their feedback on the park and events that we run. A financial report was given by Debs, our fabulous Treasurer. Finances are looking healthy at the moment, following on from various fundraising activities over the past year, and grants we have received. We are looking forward to spending some of this money in 2019 on park equipment. Watch this space! A new team member, Rosanna, was nominated to join us at the meeting. We look forward to working with you Rosie! And finally, we did a double draw for the 200 Club draw. The lucky winners were Jackie Shields, Andrew Jones, Sarah Carroll and Sally Cooper (all £10), Robert Burcombe and Bernie Hartley (£25) and Trudy Bevan (£50). A further £50 was won by a committee member, but they declined to accept it. If you are interested in joining our 200 Club and helping to fund our beautiful park, then please contact Ruth Odell on 01684 772114 or email bredonplayingfields@gmail.com. Here’s looking forward to a successful, active and fun 2019, making the most of this fabulous community space!