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Bredon Parish Mag Update

March 2021 Update


Well Spring is certainly in the air and it is lovely to see the first sign of early blooms over at the playing fields. We welcome the news that outdoor sports can resume from 29th March and look forward to seeing our local football, rugby, tennis, and bowling clubs back in action helping to bring our community back together.

New Swings have arrived!

Our long awaited new junior Swings are here! By the time you read this they will open for play and hopefully enjoyed by many. At the time of writing, as you can see from the photo, the groundworks had been completed, the new swings installed and the orange bowl swing replaced, all ready for the hard wearing rubber mulch surface to be laid. Bredon Community Play and Recreation, with the help of our Junior Playing Fields Reps at Bredon Hancock’s School, carried out a survey amongst the school children to find out what play equipment was on their wish list. Junior swings came out on top and with the help and support of the Bredon community during all our fundraising events over the last few years we were able to raise enough funds to complete the £12,000 project. Many thanks to each and every person who donated and supported us, and a special mention to Pershore and District Round Table for their £650 donation towards the inclusive swing seat.


Over the last year or so we have not been able to hold our annual community events such as Bredon’s Big Day Out and Bredon’s Big Ferret Racing Night. Our fundraising pot has been depleted and our 200 Club has become our primary fundraiser. Recently we have spent £12,000 on the installation of the new swings, including replacing the worn out bowl swing, we are in the process of replacing the fencing around the toddler play area, at a cost of £60 per log, and we have a wish list of future improvements including updating the skateboarding area, and rebooking our very much loved PlayRanger Play Days. If you are a regular park user, or if you value our park and the benefit it brings to our community, please help us continue our work by becoming a 200 CLUB member. It only costs £15 a year and your membership really does make such a difference.

We currently have 628 followers on our Facebook page. If every follower became a member it would generate us an income of £9420 per annum towards the further maintenance and development of our playing fields.

To become a member please email Andrea on Once a member you will also be automatically entered into our 6 annual prize draws. We are counting on your support.

Sunday Maintenance Volunteers

As always, we would like to thank Wendy and her team of volunteers for helping keep our park looking in great shape. Thank you so much to you all for your time and fabulous efforts. The maintenance team meet on the last Sunday of every month and carry out duties such as pruning, weeding, cutting back bushes, litter picking and general tidying. Wendy's team is a fine group of volunteers, but they are in need of more helpers. They meet at the shed by the MUGA once a month at 10.30am. Can you spare an hour or two once a month to help us out? Even if you can only commit to an occasional Sunday morning we would still love to hear from you. It is great fun and gives you the opportunity to have a marvellous Sunday morning out in our park. All ages are welcome so bring the children along too. All tools are provided but feel free to bring your own if you would prefer. If you would like to get involved, please email Wendy at for more information.

We look forward to seeing you in the park soon, please enjoy and help us look after it.

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